284 And those who speak of his corporeity, and consider God as one of the bodies, such as fire, air, water, or earth, say right, because he is in every soil of beings. Likewise, those who hold him to be good or bad, are not wrong; because nothing exists with- out him, so that what happens can happen but by his order. And those who as cribe the bad to them- selves are right, because in practice they are the movers of their works. So it is with other opi- nions, such as those who consider God as a Father with regard to all existing beings, and this opinion is true. The Sonnites recognise Abu Bekr (may God re- ward him), as a khalif on the strength of his per- fection: this is sufficiently founded. But the Shi- ahs oppose that on the supposition of his deficien- cies. Besides, every body may, conformably to his own conceptions, have some objection to Abu Bekr. In the same manner, concerning the future state, there are contradictory creeds of nations, and histories of their princes in the world adopted as certain. All these contradictions of the inhabitants of this world are to be considered in this point of view—that they are more or less belonging to truth. The Siifis maintain that vilayet, " holiness,"1 in 1 A possessor of velayet, a veli, " a saint," according to Jami (in the Lives of Siifis) is destined to serve as an instrument for manifesting the proof of prophetic mission. Extraordinary powers over all nature are