270 annihilation, has also four divisions. The first de- gree is eternal existence with God, when the pious person from the absorption in. God returns, and sees himself dyin vajud, " a real being," endowed with all qualities— " Who has seen himself, saw God." If in absorption he keeps consciousness, there remains duality behind. In the abridged commentary upon Gulshen raz, it is stated, that there are four kinds of manifestations. The first is dsdri," impression," by which the abso- lute being appears under the form of some corporeal beings, among which the human form is the most perfect. The second kind isAfdali, " belonging to " action/' when the contemplative person sees the absolute being endowed with several attributes of action, such as creator, or nourisher, and the like, % or sees himself a being endowed with one of the attributes. The manifestations are frequently co- lored with lights, and exhibit all sorts of tints. The third kind is sifdti, " belonging to attributes," when the contemplative person sees the absolute being endowed with the attributes of his own essence, such as science and life, or sees himself a real being, en- dowed with these attributes. The fourth kind is zati, " essence," in which, on account of manifesta- tion, annihilation takes place, so that the possessor of this manifestation participates in a condition in