271 which no trace of himself remains, and no conscious- ness whatever is preserved. It is not necessary that the manifestation be colored in a vest of light, or that every light be a light of manifestation. It may happen that a light proceeds from a prophet, a saint, or a creature. The symptom of manifesta- tion is annihilation, or the science (that is intimate knowledge) of the object manifested at the time of manifestation. The evidence for the truth of mani- festations is derived from the Koran, or from tradi- tions. " I am God, the Lord of creatures/' Moses heard the voice from a bush,1 and the chosen prophet said: " I saw my Lord under the most excellent form." 1 The bush from whence Moses heard the voice of God is mentioned in the Commentary upon the Koran in the following manner. Moses, tra- velling with his family from Midiari to Egypt, came to the valley of Towa, situated near mount Sinai; his wife fell in labor and was delivered of a son, in a very dark and snowy night; he had also lost his way, and his cattle was scattered from him, when on a sudden he saw a fire by the side of a mountain, which on his nearer approach he found burning in a green lush. The Koran (chap. XX. vv. 9-14) says: " When he saw fire " and said to his family: Tarry ye here, for I perceive fire: peradven- " ture I may bring you a brand thereout, or may find a direction in our *' way by the fire. And when he was come near unto it, a voice called " unto him, saying: 0 Moses! verily I am thy Lord: wherefore put off 44 thy shoes: for thou art in the sacred valley Towa. And I have chosen " thee: therefore hearken with attention unto that which is revealed unto " thee. Verily I am God; there is no God beside me: wherefore worship " me, and perform thy prayer in remembrance of me."