• 283 the absolute being has two heads : the first is itldk sarf^ 'c absolute excellence," and vahedet wafts,2 "unmixed unity;'' the second is mukayed va kasret va baddy et^ " compass, abundance, and primi- ^ tiveness." This, according to the greatest num- ber, relates to unity. Further is dkl-kulli^ " the ** universal spirit," which incloses all realities which are (as it were) concrete in him,, and this is called &rsh-irmajid>* ** the throne of glory" (the ninth or empyrean heaven); he is the truth of mankind, and between him and the majesty of divinity there is no mediator according to the wise, although some admit a difference. Sabjani said, this indicates, that they wish no separation from the Lord of grace may ever take place. Moreover, the universal spirit, which embraces all realities in the way of expansion,' they call &rsh-i-Kerim,Q " the Cfi throne of mercy," and lawh-i-mahftiz,1" the tables "•of destiny. " Besides, there is the universal.