301 temples of idols ; and he performs in butgadah, i u house of idols, " according to the usage of the Hindus, ihepuja and dandavet, " worship and " prostration," that is, the religious rites, but in the mosques he conforms in praying after the man- ner of the Muselmans; he never abuses the faith and rites of others; nor gives he one creed pre- ference over another ; he always practises absti- nence, but at times he breaks the fast with some fruits from the mountains, such as pine-kernels, and the like; he takes no pleasure in demonstrations of honor and magnificence to him, nor is he afflicted by disdain and contempt, and in order to remain unknown to men, he dwells in the Kohistan, " rnoun- " tainous country "of the Afghans and Kafris, and the like. The Kafris are a tribe from Kabulistan, and are called Kafer Katoriz, who before lived upon mountains, in deserts and forests, remote and con- cealed from others. The author of this book saw Sabjani in the year of the Hejira 1046 (A. D. 1636) in upper Bangash. This personage never sleeps at night, but sits awake in deep meditation; every one who sees him would take him for a divine being. Shaikh Sadi says: 1 But-gadah appears to me to have been corrupted into pagoda, the • modern name of a Hindu temple in popular language. This name has also been derived from bhagavata, but, if I am not mistaken, with less probability.