507 (twelve hours).1 One of his friends said to the author of this book in Kachmir, that Yiisef during a length of time ate nothing at all. The friend rela- ted : " I went one night to watch with him ; he said " to me: * Go and eat something.' I replied : < I L ' ' will; but it would be well that thou also shouldst 6' ' take something to eat and to drink.' His answer " was: ' Thou art not- able to satisfy my want 'c * of food/ I assured him: 'I am able/ He •" then ordered: * Go, bring what thou hast/ I i6 went home and brought him a great dish full-of " rice, a large cup of coagulated milk, with bread tc and other eatables, as much as might have been ,, suflicjenj; for ten gluttons; he eat up every thing, "and said: ' Bring something more.' I went 44 home, prepared a meal for twenty persons, and " with the aid of the people of the house, brought 46 it to him. He eat it up, and desired more. I " returned home, and carried to him meats half '' cooked and other things. He eat up all, and said: " £ Bring more.7 I fell at his feet; he called out.: ^ ' Have I not said to thee that thou wouldst not be 4< * able to satisfy my want of food/ " One of his disciples related : Yiisef said, that he 1 The practice of holding the breath, often mentioned in this work, is founded upon ihe belief, that to each man a certain number of respir- ations is allotted: the less he breathes the longer he lives. —(Shakes- pear's Dictionary, p. 365.)