508 has seen God the Almighty in the shape of a man, sitting in his house. The author of this book fre- quented the society of many contemplative pious SiKis, and learned men of this sect, elevated in rank; if he should relate all he knows of them, -he would have to write a copious work. To sum up precisely the creed of all these sects, it may be said, that some do not agree upon beings perceived and beings probable, but all acknowledge i.he existence of appearances. These are called Stifistdyah, and in Persian Samrddi. All those who believe all ought to be comprehended in what is perceived, and deny.any reality to things probable (or to the subjects of reason), are named Tdbiayah, " physiologists," in Persian, Mansi. The belief of the latter is, that the world is composed of things perceived, and of individuals, children of Adam, and that animals are like plants: the one dries, the other shoots up afresh, and this occurrence will be repeated without end. Enjoyment is comprehended in eating, drinking, women, vehicles, and the like, and besides this world there is no other existence: Some agree upon the existence of things perceived and things probable, but differ upon the limits and laws. These are entitled Fildsafa-4-dahriah, " seen- " lar philosophers," in Persian Jaydkdri, "-attached i4 to temporariness/' This sect establishes a world of probabilities (composed) of nothing but things