519 the editor, having inquired and examined as much as was possible, by means of the most esteemed books, such as dictionaries, interpretations, and commentaries of the learned of each sect, fixed the meaning of difficult words at the end of this book in some separate leaves, in such a manner that, with- out trouble and useless prolixity, the brides of those ideas may become manifest upon the exalted bridal seats of intelligence.1 Moreover, for ranging the die vocables, the editor adopted the mode that under the first letter should be placed the chapter, and under the second letter the section, and he ap- pended this vocabulary to the end of the book. He made also a list of errata, and concluded with an epilogue, in order that all those who reason and discuss upon these typical matters, may have the facility of understanding them. Thus, from God we expect grace and certain direction to righteousness and to favour. 1 This is an allusion to the custom according to which, when the nup- tials of distinguished persons are celebrated, the bride, in her most mag- nificent attire is exposed to the multitude upon an elevated seat, or in a palanquin carried through the streets,