738 THE DON FLOWS HOME for a peasant's coat, and everything would go according to ^ prescription ; no one would say a word to him, nobody would reproach him, everything would settle down of itself, and he would live and end his days as a peaceable grain- grower and a model villager. But no, the reality didn't lookS quite so simple. He cautiously opened Zykov's wicket-gate, which was hanging by one hinge. Wearing well patched, huge felt boots and a three-cornered cap drawn right down over his eyes, Prokhor was walking towards the steps, jauntily swinging an empty milking pail. White drops of milk sprinkled invisibly over the snow. " Had a good night, comrade commander ? " he greeted Gregor. "Praise be!" " Getting drunk's proper work ! " " But why is the pail empty ? Have you been milking v the cow yourself ? " With a nod Prokhor shifted his cap to the back of his head, and only then did Gregor notice that his friend's face was gloomy. " Well, is the devil going to milk her for me ? Yes, I've milked her, the accursed female ! I only hope she gets belly- ache as the result ' " Prokhor furiously flung away the pail, and curtly said " Let's go into the hut." " How about your wife ? " Gregor asked irresolutely. " The devils have eaten her with kvass ! Before there was any sign of dawn she raked herself together and drove off to Kruzhilinsky for firewood. She set about me as soonj as I arrived home after leaving you last night. She lectured me to further orders, and then she jumped up . * I'm going off to get some firewood. Maksaev's daughters-in-law are going to-day, and I'll go with them/ ' Go by all means,' I thought, ' go for pears if you like, and a smooth road to you !' I got up, lit the stove, and went to milk the cow. I milked her all right ! Do you think a man's capable of doing such things with only one arm ? " f< You should have asked some woman to do it for you, you idiot!" " A sheep's an idiot, it'll suck at its mother until the Feast of the Blessed Virgin ; but all my life I've never beeiu an idiot. I thought I'd manage it by myself. Well, and I