THE DYNASTS i'AGE Scene IV. The Field of Talavcra..... 3°4 „ V. The Same....... 3°° „ VI. Brighton. The Royal Pavilion . . . 309 „ VII. The Same. The Assembly Rooms . . . 311 „ VIII. Walcheren....... 3*4 ACT FIFTH :— Scene I. Paris. A Ballroom in the House of Cambaceres 317 „ II. Paris. The Tuileries..... 324 „ III. Vienna. A Private Apartment in the Imperial Palace....... 334 „ IV. London. A Club in St James's Street . . 342 „ V. The old West Highway out of Vienna . . 348 „ VI. Courcelles ....... 349 „ VII. Petersburg. The Palace of the Empress-Mother 352 „ VIII. Paris. The Grand Gallery of the Louvre and the Salon-Carre* adjoining . . . , 358 ACT SIXTH :— Scene I. The Lines of Torres Vedras . . . 363 „ II. The Same. Outside the Lines . . . 364 „ III. Paris. The Tuileries..... 367 „ IV. Spain. Albuera . . . . . -374 ,s V. Windsor Castle. A Room in the King's Apartments ...... 379 „ VI. London. Carlton House and the Streets adjoining....... 388 „ VII. The Same. The Interior of Carlton House . 391 Frontispiece.—THE ENGLISH CHANNEL FROM RIDGEWAY HILL. MAP OF THE WESSEX OF THE NOVELS AND POEMS.— End of Volume. xvi