FORE SCENE THE OVERWORLD Enter the Ancient Spirit and Chorus of the Years, the Spirit and Chorus of the Pities, the Shade of the Earth, the Spirits Sinister and Ironic with their Choruses, Rumours, Spirit-Messengers, and Recording Angels, SHADE OF THE EARTH What of the Immanent Will and Its designs ? SPIRIT or THE YEARS IT works unconsciously, as heretofore, Eternal artistries in Circumstance, Whose patterns, wrought by rapt esthetic rote, Seem in themselves Its single listless aim, And not their consequence. CHORUS OF THE PITIES (aerial music) Still thus ? Still thus ? Ever unconscious ! An automatic sense Unweeting why or whence ? Be, then, the inevitable, as of old, Although that so it be we dare not hold ! SPIRIT OF THE YEARS Hold what ye list, fond unbelieving Sprites, You cannot swerve the pulsion of the Byss, 7