FORE SCENE PART FIRST SPIRIT OF THE YEARS Which overrides them as a whole its parts In other entities. SPIRIT SINISTER (aside) Limbs of Itself : Each one a jot of It in quaint disguise ? Til fear all men henceforward ! SPIRIT OF THE PITIES Go to. Let this terrestrial tragedy— SPIRIT IRONIC Nay, comedy— SPIRIT OF THE PITIES Let this earth-tragedy Whereof ye spake, afford a spectacle Forthwith conned close Her than yoitr custom is.— SPIRIT OF THE YEARS How does it stand ? (To a Recording Angel) Open and chant the page Thoust lately writ, that sums these happenings, In brief reminder of tlieir instant points Slighted by us amid our converse here. RECORDING ANGEL (from a book, in recitative) Now mellow-eyed Peace is made captive, And Vengeance is chartered To deal forth its dooms on the Peoples With sword and with spear. Men's musings are busy with forecasts Of musters and battle-, 11