THE DYNASTS ACT i THIRD PASSENGER Damn my wig, sir, if I'll be called a traitor by you or any Court sycophant at all at all! [He unpacks a case of pistols. SECOND PASSENGER Gentlemen, forbear, forbear! Should such differences be suffered to arise on a spot where we may, in less than three months, be fighting for our very existence ? This is foolish, I say. Heaven alone, who reads the secrets of this man's heart, can tell what his meaning and intent may be, and if his letter has been answered wisely or no. The coach is stopped to skid the wheel for the descent of the hill, and before it starts again a dusty horseman overtakes it. SEVERAL PASSENGERS A London messenger! (To horseman) Any news, sir ? We are from Bristol only. HORSEMAN Yes ; much. We have declared war against Spain, an error giving vast delight to France. Bonaparte says he will date his next dispatches from London, and the landing of his army may be daily expected. [Exit horseman. THIRD PASSENGER (to First) Sir, I apologize. He's not to be trusted! War is his name, and aggression is with him! He repacks the pistols. A silence follows. The coach and passengers move downwards and disappear towards the coast. SPIRIT OF THE PITIES /// chanced it that the English monarch George Did not respond to the said Emperor ! 20