in PART FIRST We formerly admired.— (Cries of "Oh, oh.'1) This minister Whose circumventions never circumvent, Whose coalitions fail to coalesce; This dab at secret treaties known to all, This darling of the aristocracy— (Laughter, "Oh, oh,'* cheers, and cries of "Divide,") Has brought the millions to the verge of ruin, By pledging them to Continental quarrels Of which we see no end! (Cheers.) The members rise to divide. SPIRIT OF THE PITIES It irks me that they thus should Yea and Aray As though a power lay in their oracling If each decision t^ork unconsciously^ And would be opcrant though unloosened were A single lip I SPIRIT OK RUMOUH There may react an things Stftftc influence from these ^ indefinitely, And cten on That, w&ose outcome we all arc. SPIRIT OF THE YEAKS Hypotheses f—More boots it to remind The younger here of our ethereal band And hierarchy of Intelligences^ That this thwart Parliament whose moods we watch-So insular, empiric, un-idea!— May figure forth in sharp and salient lines To retrospective eyes of after days > And print its legend large on History. For one cause—if I read the signs aright— To^nighfs appearance of its Minister In the assembly of his long-time sway Is near his last, and themes to-night launched forth 37