THE DYNASTS ACT PITT Amen, amen! KING I read it as a thing Of signal augury, and one which bodes Heaven's confidence in me and in my line, That I should rule as King in such an age! . . „ Well, well—So this new march of Bonaparte's Was unexpected, forced perchance on him ? PITT It may be so, your Majesty; it may. . . . Last noon the Austrian .ambassador, Whom I consulted ere I posted down, Assured me that his latest papers word How General Mack and eighty thousand men Have made good speed across Bavaria To wait the French and give them check at Ulm, That fortress-frontier-town, entrenched and walled, A place long chosen as a vantage-point Whereon to encounter them as they outwind From the blind shades and baffling green defiles Of the Black Forest, worn with wayfaring. Here Mack will intercept his agile foe Hasting to meet the Russians in Bohemia, And cripple him, if not annihilate. Thus now, sir, opens out this Great Alliance Of Russia, Austria, England, whereto I Have lent my earnest efforts through long months. And the realm gives her money, ships, and men.— It claps a muffler round this Cock's steel spurs, And leaves me sanguine on his overthrow. But then,—this coalition of resources Demands a strong and active Cabinet To aid your Majesty's directive hand; And thus I urge again the said additions— 86