THE DYNASTS ACT v To put from Cadiz, gain Toulon, and straight At.a said sign on Italy operate. Moreover that Villeneuve, arrived as planned^ Would find Rosily in supreme command.— Gloomy Villeneuve grows rash, and, darkly brave, Leaps to meet war, storm, Nelson—even the grave. SEMICHORUS I OF THE YEARS (aerial music) Ere the concussion hurtle, draw abreast Of the sea. SEMICHORUS II Where Nelsonys hulls are rising from the west> Silently. SEMICHORUS I Each linen wing outspread, each man and lad Sworn to be SEMICHORUS II Amid the vanmost, or for Death, or glad Victory ! The point of sight descends till it is near the deck of the " Bucentaure," the flag-ship of VILLENEUVE. Present thereon are the ADMIRAL, his FLAG-CAPTAIN MAGENDIE, LIEUTENANT DAUDIGNON, other naval officers and seamen. MAGENDIE All night we have read their signals in the air, Whereby the peering frigates of their van Have told them of our trend. VILLENEUVE The enemy Makes threat as though to throw him on our stern : Signal the fleet to wear; bid Gravina 106