THE DYNASTS ACT NELSON Ah!— So many lives—in such a glorious cause. . . . I join them soon, soon, soon!—O where is Hardy ? Will nobody bring Hardy to me—none ? He must be killed, too. Surely Hardy's dead ? A MIDSHIPMAN He's coming soon, my lord. The constant call On his full heed of this most mortal fight Keeps him from hastening hither as he would. NELSON Til wait, Til wait. I should have thought of it Presently HARDY comes down, NELSON and he grasp hands. Hardy, how goes the day with us and England ? HARDY Well; very well, thank God for't, my dear lord. Villeneuve their Admiral has this moment struck, And put himself aboard the " Conqueror." Some fourteen of their first-rates, or about, Thus far we've got The said " Bucentaure " chief ; The " Santa Ana," the " Redoutable," The "Fougueux," the "Santfsima Trinidad/1 "San Augustine/1 "San Francisco/' "Aigle"; And our old "Swiftsure," too, we've grappled back, To every seaman's joy. But now their van Has tacked to bear round on the "Victory " And crush her by sheer weight of wood and brass : Three of our best I am therefore calling up, And make no doubt of worsting theirs, and France. NELSON That's well. I swore for twenty.—But it's well. 120