SCENE IT PART FIRST HARDY We'll have 'em yet! But without you, my lord, We have to make slow plodding do the deeds That sprung by inspiration ere you fell; And on this ship the more particularly. NELSON No, Hardy.—Ever 'twas your settled fault So modestly to whittle down your worth. But I saw stuff in you which admirals need When, taking thought, I chose the "Victory's" keel To do my business with these braggarts in. A business finished now, for me!—Good friend, Slow shades are creeping on me. ... I scarce see you. HARDY The smoke from ships upon our win'ard side, And the dust raised by their worm-eaten hulks, When our balls touch 'em, blind the eyes, in truth. NELSON No ; it is not that dust; 'tis dust of death That darkens me. ,', A shock overhead. HARDY goes up. One or two other officers go up, and by and by return. What was that extra noise ? OFFICER The " Formidable " passed us by, my lord, And thumped a stunning broadside into us.— But, on their side, the " Hero's " captain's fallen ; The " Algeciras" has been boarded, too, By Captain Tyler, and the captain shot: 121