SCENE vu PART FIRST he was their salvation after death as he had been in the fight. If he could have knowed it, 'twould have pleased him down to the ground! How 'a would have laughed through the spigot-hole: "Draw on, my hearties!" Better I shrivel than you famish." Ha-ha ! SECOND BURGHER It may be defendable afloat; but it seems queer ashore. FIRST BOATMAN Well, that's as I had it from one that knows—Bob Loveday of Overcombe—one of the " Victory " men that's going to walk in the funeral. However, let's touch a livelier string. Peter Green, strike up that new ballet that they've lately had prented here, and were hawking about town last market-day. SECOND BOATMAN With all my heart. Though my wyndpipe's a bit clogged since the wars have made beer so mortal small! SONG THE NIGHT OF TRAFALGAR In the wild October night-time, when the wind raved round the land, And the Back-sea1 met the Front-sea, and our doors were blocked with sand, And we heard the drub of Dead-man's Bay, where bones of thousands are, We knew not what the day had done for us at Trafalgar. 1 In those days the hind-part of the harbour adjoining this scene was so named, and at high tides the waves washed across the isthmus at a point called "The Narrows. 137