THE DYNASTS ACT SPIRIT I am a stranger here, A wandering wight, whose life has not been spent This side the globe, though I can speak the tongue. WOMAN Your air has truth in't; but your state is strange! Had I a husband he should tackle thee. SPIRIT Dozens thou hast had—batches more than she Samaria knew, if now thou hast not one / WOMAN Wilt take the situation from this hour ? SPIRIT Thou know'st not what thy frailty asks, good dame ! WOMAN Well, learn in small the Emperor's chronicle, As gleaned from what my soldier-husbands say ;— Some five-and-forty standards of his foes Are brought to Paris, borne triumphantly In proud procession through the surging streets, Ever as brands of fame to shine aloft In dim-lit senate-halls and city aisles. SPIRIT Fair Munich sparkled with festivity As there awhile he tarried, and was met By the gay Josephine your Empress here.__ There, too, Eugene— 164