SCENE vi PART SECOND FIRST LADY Us? THIRD LADY Russia ? Austria ? FIFTH LADY Neither : England.—Yea, Her he still holds the master mischief-mind, And marrer of the countries7 quietude, By exercising untold tyranny Over all ports and seas. SECOND LADY Then England's doomed! When he has overturned the Russian rule, England comes next for wrack. They say that know! . . . Look—he has entered by the Royal doors And makes the Palace his.—Now let us go!— Our course, alas ! is—whither ? [Exeunt ladies. The curtain drops temporarily. SEMICHORUS I OF IRONIC SPIRITS (aerial music) Deeming himself omnipotent With the Kings of the Christian continent\ To warden the waves was his further bent. SEMICHORUS II But the weaving Will from eternity, {Hemming them in by a circling sea) Evolved the fleet of the Englishry. SEMICHORUS I The wane of his armaments ill-advised^ At Trafalgdr, to a force despised, Was a wound which never has cicatrized. 207