SCENE vn PART SECOND FIRST SPY Cutting up Europe like a plum-pudding. Par nobile fratrum! SECOND SPY Then the worthy pair came to poor Prussia, whom Alexander, they say, was anxious about, as he is under engagements to her. It seems that Napoldon agrees to restore to the King as many of his states as will cover Alexander's promise, so that the Tsar may fee, free to strike out in this new line with his new friend. FIRST SPY Surely this is but surmise ? SECOND SPY Not at all. One of the suite overheard, and I got round him. There was much more, which I did not learn. But they are going to soothe and flatter the unfortunate King and Queen by asking them to a banquet here. FIRST SPY Such a spirited woman will never come'! SECOND SPY We shall see. Whom necessity compels needs must: and she has gone through an Iliad of woes! FIRST SPY It is this Spanish business that will stagger England, by God! And now to let her know it. FRENCH SUBALTERN (looking out above) What are those townspeople talking about so earnestly, I wonder ? The lingo of this place has an accent akin to English. 213