THE DYNASTS ACT » SCENE II ARANJUEZ, NEAR MADRID. A ROOM IN THE PALACE OF GODOY, THE "PRINCE OF PEACE" A private chamber is disclosed, richly furnished with paintings, vases, mirrors, silk hangings, gilded lounges, and several lutes of rare workmanship. The hour is midnight, the room being lit by screened candelabra. In the centre at the back of the scene is a large window heavily curtained. GODOY and the QUEEN MARJIA LUISA are dallying on a sofa. THE PRINCE OF PEACE is a fine handsome man in middle life, with curled hair and a mien of easy good-nature. The QUEEN is older, but looks younger in the dim Light, from the lavish use of beautifying arts. She has pronounced features, dark eyes, low brows, black hair bound by a jewelled bandeau, and brought forward in curls over her forehead and temples, long heavy ear-rings, an open bodice, and sleeves puffed at the shoulders. A cloak and other mufflers lie on a chair beside her. GODOY (after a silence) The life-guards still insist, Love, that the King Shall not leave Aranjuez, QUEEN Let them insist. Whether we stay, or whether we depart, Napol6on soon draws hither with his host! GODOY He says he comes pacifically. . . . But no! QUEEN Dearest, we must away to Andalusia, Thence to America when time shall serve. 228