i PART SECOND Come hampering you this night of all the rest, As if not gorged with you at other times \ GODOY Don't, pretty one! needless it is in you, Being so well aware who holds my love.— I could not check her coming, since she would. You well know how the old thing is, and how I am compelled to let her have her mind! He kisses her repeatedly. JOSEFA But look, the mob is swelling! Pouring in By thousands from Madrid—and all afoot. Will they not come on hither from the King's? GODOY Not just yet, maybe. You should have sooner fled ! The coach is waiting and the baggage packed. (He again peers out.) Yes, there the coach is; and the clamourers near, Led by Montijo, if I see aright. Yes, they cry u Uncle Peter!"—that means him. There will be time yet. Now I'll take you down So far as I may venture, [They leave the room. In a few minutes GODOY, having taken her down, re-enters and again looks out. JOSEFA'S coach is moving off with a small escort of GOBOY'S guards of honour. A sudden yelling begins, and the crowd rushes up and stops the vehicle. An altercation ensues, CROWD Uncle Peter, it is the Favourite carrying off Prince Fernando. Stop him! 233