THE DYNASTS ACT n RUMOURS (chanting) The Spanish King has bowed unto the Fate Which bade him abdicate : The sensual Queen, whose passionate caprice Has held her chambering with " the Prince of Peace'' And wrought the Bourbons fall, Holds tocher Love in all; And Bonaparte has ruled that his and he Henceforth displace the Bourbon dynasty. ii The Spanish people, handled in such sort, As chattels of a Court, Dream dreams of England. Messengers are sent In secret to the assembled Parliament, In faith that England's hand Will stouten them to stand, And crown a cause which, hold they, bond and free Must advocate enthusiastically. SPIRIT OF THE YEARS So the Will heaves through Space, and moulds the times, With mortals for Its fingers / We shall see Again men s passions, virtues, visions, crimes, Obey resistlessly The purposive, unmotived, dominant Thing Which sways in brooding dark their wayfaring / The reception-room 'is lighted up, and the hostess comes in. There arrive Ambassadors and their wives, the Dukes and Duchesses of RUTLAND and SOMERSET, the Marquis and Marchioness of STAFFORD, the Earls of STAIR, WESTMORELAND, GOWER, ESSEX, Viscounts and Viscountesses CRANLEY and MORPETH, Viscount , MELBOURNE, Lord and Lady KINNAIRD, Baron de ROLLE, Lady CHARLES GREVILLE, the Ladies CAVENDISH, Mr, and Mrs. THOMAS HOPE, Mr. GUNNING, Mrs. FITZHERBERT, and many other notable personages. Lastly, she goes to the door to welcome severally the 240