SCENE in PART SECOND PRINCE OF WALES Dash my wig, mighty much you know about it, Maria! Why, sure, Boney thought to himself, " This Spain is a pretty place; 'twill just suit me as an extra acre or two ; so here goes." DON DIEGO (aside to Bagot) This lady is the Princess of Wales ? BAGOT Hsh! no, Senor. The Princess lives at large at Kensington and other places, and has parties of her own, and doesn't keep house with her husband. This lady is—well, really his wife, you know, in the opinion of many ; but------ DON DIEGO Ah! Ladies a little mixed, as they were at our Court! She's the Pepa Tudo to this Prince of Peace ? BAGOT O no—not exactly that, Sefior, DON DIEGO ifa, ya. Good. Ill be careful, my friend. You are not saints in England more than we are in Spain! BAGOT We are not. Only you sin with naked faces, and we with masks on. DON DIEGO Virtuous country! 243