THE DYNASTS ACT m ENGLISHMAN (laughing) Less Christian-like forgiveness mellows us Than Continental souls! (They drink.) A band is heard in a distant street, with shouting. Enter third and fourth citizens, followed by others. FIRST CITIZEN More news afloat ? THIRD AND FOURTH CITIZENS Yea ; an announcement that the Archduke Charles Is given the chief command. FIRST, SECOND, ETC., CITIZENS Huzza! Right so! A clinking of glasses, rising from seats, and general enthusia'sm. SECOND CITIZEN If war had not so patly been declared, Our howitzers and firelocks of themselves Would have gone off to shame us ! This forenoon Some of the Landwehr met me ; they are hot For setting out, though but few months enrolled, ENGLISHMAN That moves reflection somewhat. They are young For measuring with the veteran files of France! FIRST CITIZEN Napoleon's army swarms with tender youth, His last conscription besomed into it Thousands of merest boys. But he contrives To mix them in the field with seasoned frames. 284