SCENE i PART SECOND MARIA LOUISA No, my dear one. It cannot be his guns. They told us when we started that he was only half-way from Ratisbon hither, so that he must be nearly a hundred miles off as yet; and a large army cannot move fast. EMPRESS He should never have been let come nearer than Ratisbon! The victory at Echmtihl was fatal for us. O Echmlihl, Echmuhl! I believe he will overtake us before we get to Buda. FIRST LADY-IN-WAITING If so, your Majesty, shall we be chained as prisoners and marched to Paris ? EMPRESS Undoubtedly. JBut I shouldn't much care. It would not be worse than this. ... I feel sodden all through me, and frowzy, and broken ! (She closes her eyes as if to doze.) MARIA LOUISA It is dreadful to see her suffer so! (Shutting the window.) If the roads were not so bad I should not mind. I almost wish we had stayed ; though when he arrives the cannonade will be terrible. FIRST LADY-IN-WAITING I wonder if he will get into Vienna. Will his men knock down all the houses, madam ? MARIA LOUISA If he do get in, I am sure his triumph will not be for long. My uncle the Archduke Charles is at his heels! I have been told many important prophecies 289 u