SCENE in PART SECOND Straight hitherward. Our centre girdles them.— Surely they'll not persist ? Who heads that charge ? V OFFICER They say Macdonald, sire. FRANCIS Meagrest remains Will there be soon of those in that advance! We are burning them to bones by our hot fire. They are almost circumscribed : if fully so The battle's ours ! What's that behind them, eh ? OFFICER Their last reserves, that they may feed the front, And sterilize our hope! FRANCIS Yes, their reserve— Dragoons and cuirassiers—charge in support. You see their metal gleaming as they come. Well, it is neck or nothing for them now! OFFICER It's nothing, sire. Their charge of cavalry Has desperately failed. FRANCIS Their foot press on, However, with a battery in front Which deals the foulest damage done us yet. (Time passes.) They are effecting lodgment, after all. Who would have reckoned on't—our men so firm ! Re-enter first aide-de-camp. 301