PART SECOND Faint throbbing sounds, like the notes of violoncellos and contrabasses reach the ear from some building not far off as the speaker pauses. In worthy emulation of us here The county holds to-night a birthday ball, Which llames with all the fashion of the town. I have been asked to patronize their revel, And sup with them, and likewise you, my guests. We have good reason, with such news to bear! Thither we haste and join our loyal friends, And stir them with this live intelligence Of our staunch regiments on the Spanish plains. (Applause.) With them well now knit hands and beat the ground, And bring in dawn as we whirl round and round! There are some fair ones in their set to-night, And such we need here in our bachelor-plight. (Applause,) The PRINCE, his brothers, and a large proportion of the other Pavilion guests, swagger out in the direction of the Castle assembly-rooms adjoining, and the deserted banqueting-hall grows dark. In a few moments the back of the scene opens, revealing the assembly-rooms behind. SCENE VII THE SAME. THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS The rooms are lighted with candles in brass chandeliers, and a diance is in full movement to the strains of a string-band. A signal is given, shortly after the clock has struck eleven, by MR, FORTH, Master of Ceremonies. FORTH His Royal Highness comes, though somewhat late, But never too late for welcome! (Applause.) Dancers, stand, 311