THE DYNASTS ACT v SECOND MEMBER How is the debate going ? Still braying^ the Government in a mortar ? THIRD MEMBER They are. Though one thing everybody admits : young Peel has made a wonderful first speech in seconding the address. There has been nothing like it since Pitt. He spoke rousingly of Austria's misfortunes—went on about Spain, of course, showing that we must still go on supporting her, winding up with a brilliant peroration about—what were the words—"the fiery glance of freedom which flashed incessantly from the indignant eyes of the British soldier! "—Oh, well: it was all learnt beforehand, of course. SECOND MEMBER I wish I had gone down. But the wind soon blew the other way ? THIRD MEMBER Then Gower rapped out his amendment. That was good, too, by God. SECOND MEMBER Well, the war must go on. And that being the general conviction this censure and that censure are only so many blank cartridges. r THIRD MEMBER Blank? Damn me, were they! Gower's was a palpable hit when he said that Parliament had placed unheard-of resources in the hands of Ministers last year, to make this year's results to the country worse than if they had been afforded no resources at all. Every single enterprise of theirs had been a beggarly failure. 344