SCENE VII PART SECOND EMPRESS-MOTHER Napoleon and your brother loved her both. [Alexander shows embarrassment But whatsoever grief be Alexander's, His will be none who feels but for himself. ANNE 0 mother, how can you mistake him so! He worships her who is to be his wife, The fair Archduchess Marie. EMPRESS-MOTHER Simple child, As yet he has never seen her, or but barely. That is a tactic suit, with love to match! ALEXANDER (with vainly veiled tenderness) High-souled Louisa;—when shall I forget Those Tilsit gatherings in the long-sunned June! ... Napoleon's gallantries deceived her quite, Who fondly felt her pleas for Magdeburg Had won him to its cause ; the while, alas! His cynic sense but posed in cruel play! EMPRESS-MOTHER Bitterly mourned she her civilities WMfen time unlocked the truth, that she had choked Her indignation at his former slights And slanderous sayings for a baseless hope, And wrought no tittle for her country's gain. 1 marvel why you mourn a frustrate tie With one whose wiles could wring a woman so! ALEXANDER (uneasily) I marvel also, when I think of it! 357