THE DYNASTS ACT Don't lose your head, Dubois, at this ti^ht time : Your furthest skill can work but what it may, Fancy that you are merely standing by A shop-wife's couch, say, in the Rue Saint Defcis ; Show the aplomb and phlegm that you would show Did such a bed receive your ministry. [Exit VOICE OF MARIE LOUISE (faintly within) O pray, pray don't! Those ugly things terrify me ! Why should I be tortured even if I am but a means to an end ! Let me die ! It was cruel of him to bring this upon me ! Exit NAPOLEON impatiently to the bed-room. VOICE OF MADAME DE MONTESQUIOU (within) Keep up your spirits, madame ! I have been through it myself, and I assure you there is no danger to you. It is going on all right, and I am holding you. VOICE OF NAPOLEON (within) Heaven above! Why did you not keep those cursed sugar-tongs out of her sight? How is she going to get through it if you frighten her like this ? VOICE OF DUBOIS (within) If you will pardon me, your Majesty, I must implore you not to interfere ! Ill not be scapegoat for the consequence If, sire, you do ! Better for her sake far Would you withdraw. The sight of your concern But agitates and weakens her endurance. I will inform you all, and call you back If things should worsen here. He-enter NAPOLEON from the bed-chamber. He half shuts the door, and remains close to it listening, pale and nervous. 368