«K*r v PART SECOND FIRST ATTENDANT S^ir* Henry, nof He has quite often named 1 he lafe Princess, as gently as a child A little bird found starved* WILLIS (aside to apothecary) I must increase the opium to-night, and lower him Iiy u double set of leeches since he won't stand the lancet quietly. APOTHECARY You should take twenty ounces, doctor, if a drop— indeed, go on blooding till he's unconscious. He is too robust by half. And the watering-pot would do good again—not less than six feet above his head. See how heated he is. WILLIS Curse that town band. It will have to be stopped. HEBERDEN The same thing is going on all over England, no dbubt, on account of this victory. HALFORD 4Vhen he is in a more domineering mood he likes such allusions to his rank as king. ... If he could resume his walks on the terrace he might improve slightly. But it is too soon yet. We must consider what we shall report to the Council. There is little hojxr of his being much better. What do you think, Willis ? WILLIS None. He is done for this time! 385 2 C