THE DYNASTS ACT vi HALFORD Yes.—I want to get back to town as soora *as possible to-day. Mrs. Siddons has a party *at he!; house at Westbourne to-night, and all the world is going to be there. BAILLIE Well, I am not. But I have promised to take some friends to Vauxhall, as it is a grand gala and fireworks night. Miss Farren is going to sing " The Canary Bird."—The Regent's fete, by the way, is postponed till the nineteenth, on account of this relapse. Pretty grumpy he was at having to do it All the world will be there, sure! WILLIS And some from the Shades, too, of the fair sex.— Well, here comes Heberden. He has pacified his Majesty nicely. Now we can get away. The physicians withdraw softly, and the scene is covered. SCENE VI LONDON. CARLTON HOUSE AND THE STREETS ADJOINING It is a cloudless midsummer evening, and as the west fades the stars beam down upon the city, the evening-star hanging like a jonquil blossom. They are dimmed by the unwonted radiance which spreads around and above Carlton House. As viewed from aloft the glare rises through the skylights, floods the forecourt towards Pall Mall, and kindles with a diaphanous glow the huge tents in the gardens that overlook the Mall. The hour has arrived of the Prince Regent's festivity. A stream of carriages and sedan-chairs, moving slowly, stretches from the building along Pall Mall into Piccadilly and Bond Street, 388