ORDERS FOR REFORMING ARMY IN NORMANDY [4TH DEC, how many bands of 100 (allowing JO dead pays) can be made of the whole number And because this cannot be done without cassmg some of the bands, he shall, for an example, cass his own band of 200, and also the bands of those leceiving special allow- ance as officers of the army or colonels of legiments , also the bands which are weakest He shall take special care to preserve the oidnancc and muni- tion from water, and to recover, if he can, such as have fled away from the Queen's service If they are apprehended m France they should be hanged as they deserve, and pioclamation made that any who presume to come over to England will be hanged up whensoever he shall be apprehended $th December AN UNSUCCESSFUL AMBUSCADE AT ROUIN From Rouen it is reported that the commandcis taking at heart the ill success of a recent skirmish m which two brave soldiers had been killed and their bodies lost, planned to lay an ambuscade on the 3oth November Captain Barton with 24 shot hid in the cellar of a house pulled down near the ditch and town port, Captain Henry Power in another place with 16 pikes, and some shot of Monsieur Hallard Mountmorcncy on the other side of the port This ambush being laid before day, about 8 o'clock the enemy opened the ports and came to the usual place of the court of guard, which was some six or eight score paces from the port After they had been there a while and set out their sentinels, Sir Roger Williams and the choicest of the gentlemen being in the trenches, caused some musketeers to shoot at their sentinels and sent other shot to beat them in As the skiimish grew warm, our men according to directions retreated to bring the enemy more within danger of the ambuscade, then the sign was given, which was the throwing up of a hat with feathers of Sir Thomas Baskerville But this was not observed by Captain Barton, who should first have discovered himself, so that our men were fain to call and cry, which caused the enemy to suspect and to retreat as fast as their legs could carry them to the port Captain Barton, for want of better speed than they fell short of them, but some four or six were said to have fallen, and our men had the spoil of the court of guard, some cloaks and weapons 82