vm PREFACE the appendices and in my own text; and to Dr. 0. Tate Regan and the authorities of the British Museum generally : my cordial acknowledgments and best thank* RFC <*H|*edaily due. It is gratifying to me to»think that all thr maU'rini collected by me during this expedition has town prwntnl to the British Museum by His Majesty King "Abdul %Am itw Sa'ud, the King of Arabia, to whom I had th« honour of making it over 6n my return from the dcHcrt and to whone princely patronage and assistance I owe till that 1 havw !HH»II able to achieve in the Empty Quarter. Tor the map which accompanies thin vohum* Htid for f lu» computation of all my instrumental record* ; fiir much othor assistance and for the encouragement and appreciation jwhkrh no explorer, outgoing or returning, Hw«k« in vuin ; my gratitude goes out to the Royal Geographical SwH.v. Whi w all or many have helped it is p^rhapH invidious t** iwtttitm names, but Admiral Sir William (iwMh'ituugh aitd Mr, A, R, Hints have been too kind and helpful fr> )H» (fiuittf*fi fnttn my catalogue of benefactors, white Mr. A. R» RWHV anrj Mr, ft, F. Mine have rendered me services too imjwfHfit to In1 forgotten. To several others, whose namcn am duly m«4ntu*tiiHi in thn appropriate places, my thanics uro (imi for Hti^r.stMJHH on many topics, on whose diseuBmcm I could not h»vi» vt»niureil without their aid. If I do not detail their iiJtmw hrm il IK not for want of gratitude, but I mmt leave them individunlly for specific mention in later pagen while thftttking them generally in the person of my old chief, MajfiMfrwrjil Hir Percy Z. Cox, who has dono mo tha honour of nwiwtf through my proofs and making BOHICJ aiigg^tionw for the imftrcwemenl of my work- And, jgnally, I owe a special debt of Umitkn ki my wif«, who enabled me to complete the text of thi* volttmr within a reasonable time by undertaking the whato of tht» luboar involved in typing its pages from my wribbtod ninnanoript sheets, «. tr J, ft, i'HILBY, MECCA, Nwemb*r> 1932.