NORTHERN JAFURA 29 dry, staccato style, and never tired of inflicting himself on some member of the party. His fund of conversation was inexhaustible, and he showed a curious resentment at any attempt on my part to draw on the funds of the others. Both Zayid and 'Ali rode in the fashion of Oman, now squatting and now kneeling on the neat, light saddle, known as Haulani and set well back towards the camel's rump with only the small wooden vices of the frame gripping the hump fore and aft. Their riding was entirely by balance, and it seemed to me that the southern saddle was a great improve- ment on the ponderous structure of Najd. It was lighter and more compact, but it reduced the storage capacity of the saddle-bags, \Yhich in Oman are made smaller to fit across the narrow rump, providing a seat for the rider actually on and between the flaps. The rifle is fitted at the trail under a bag instead of being slung, as in Najd, from the rear pole of the saddle-frame. For my purposes the capacious Najdi saddle- bags were more useful, but at this stage I was suffering agonies from the rough paces and sluggish gait of Al Bahran- iya. My joints ached again and I was as stiff as could be. Yet the beast had been especially selected for my riding by Ibn Jiluwi himself, an expert in all that pertained to camel- mastery. The trouble was that the animal had been too long at the pastures, and had grown a hump which looked better than it felt. In other hands she would probably have performed very differently, and the opinion gradually matured among my companions that I should be transferred, at any rate temporarily, to another animal. It was not, however, till the fifth day of the march that I exchanged mounts with Sa'dan with astonishingly satisfactory results due, perhaps, in part to the fact that my stiffness had then worn off—quite suddenly as it generally does. Later, when I resumed riding Al Bahraniya, I experienced no further dis- comfort though her walk was never anything but sluggish and it was always irksome egging her on. Only once after- wards did I exchange her for another animal for a few hours when we found it necessary to speed up our progress, while for the final desert crossing Zayid took her and I rode Na'riya, the great white brute now forging ahead under 'Ali Jahman.