62 THE EMPTY QUARTER studying the limestone strata from which they emanated, mapping and planning and the like. 'Ali and Ibn Ma'addi joined in the game with a good will, and we started a hare to see it streak up the steep hillside to safety. At length we too descended into the valley and marched towards our camp in the oasis. Of what use are those shells ? asked JAli who had been quick to recognise their marine origin, and what will you do with them ? Noah's flood provided an easily intelligible explanation of the presence of sea-shells so far inland. Yes, by God ! he exclaimed, that is true, for all the earth was covered by the waters and these things remained behind when they receded. By God ! it is true indeed. The shells are of no use, I went on, but it is knowledge I seek which is better than wealth. I will take them to my country, where they will put them in treasure-houses1 for people to see and study. You see, I too am a tracker like you. When you ride you read the sands and know what men and women have passed upon them a month ago or more or less. But when I see shells like these I understand what was happening a thousand years ago or more—it was idle of course to talk of millions—back to the world's creation. You see at once the tracks of animals and know that a fox or hyena has passed yesterday or before, but I see the tiniest insects as I ride over gravel or sand, which you cannot distinguish even when I point them out. Your eye is trained in one way, mine in another; and you are not interested in the things that interest me. On several occasions already I had indeed had an amused and astonished ring of spectators, as I reined back suddenly at sight of a little Mantid in the gravel. With eyes glued on the motionless creature I had couched my camel and dismounted to stalk the quarry while they stood by open-mouthed with amazement at my apparent insanity, seeing nothing themselves until I showed them the minute captive in its glass-bottomed pillbox prison. But gradually they too learned to use their eyes, bringing me beetles and lizards and other things. So we came to camp at Anbak late in the afternoon and they all rejoiced to hear of successful hunting in the sun while 1 Mithaf, the ordinary word for Museum.