404 THE EMPTY QUAETER (3) Grematogaster (Sphaerocrema) sp. 7 females from Bir Fadhil, Madara, Abu Khashba and Hawaya. This species, un- fortunately indeterminable in the female sex alone, was also ob- tained by Bertram Thomas in the Rub' al Khali. The venation of the f orewings is abnormal, the discoidal cell being absent; and it may eventually prove necessary to create a separate subgenus or genus for this species. (4) Crematogaster (Acrocoelia) auberti Emery, subsp. jehovae ForeL 2 workers from Bani Zainan. This subspecies was pre- viously recorded from Palestine. (Ti) Termite. A single dilated individual of the winged caste from Bani Zainan—indeterminable without more material. J. FLORA OF THE RUB' AL KHALI. (With acknowledgments to Mr. J. RAMSBOTTOM, Keeper of the Botanical Department, British Museum.) Arabic Name. Scientific Name. Abal - - Calligonum sp. •r,,. cArtemisia monosperma Del. Aonir - - ^r^em^a 5C0pan& Waldst. and Kir. Alqa - - Dipterygium glaucum Decne. Andab - - Gyperus conglomeratus Rottb. ,jr ., (Prosopis stephaniana Kunth. ^ " " \Prosopis sp. * . . (Francoeuria crispa Cuss. a^ " " \Mhanterium suaeveolens Desf. 'Arrad - Arta - - Calligonum comosum L'Herit. Birkan - - Fagonia glutinosa Del. Dha'a - - Lasiutus Tiirsutus (Forsk.) Boiss. Dhanun (Dhanun or Idhnun) Phelipaea lutea Desf. Dliumran - Traganum mudatum Del. Duraima - Fagwiia cretica L. (also Fagonia mollis Del.) Fani Ghadha - - ? Arthrocnemon fruticosum Moq. Ghaf - - PJiragmites communis Trin. Hadh - - CornulaceamonacanthaI>Ql. Halam - Hamdh - - 1 Zygophyttum album. Harm - HannaJ - - Ehazya stricta Decne. Ithil - - Tamarix sp. Of. T* articulata Vahl.