VARIOUS USES OF FACTORS 41 matic attention should be paid to the appropriate selection of tests and persons than is usually the case. The first prin- ciple requires us to select samples of tests and persons that shall be relatively homogeneous in the relevant characteris- tics ; the second, to select samples homogeneous in the irrelevant traits, introducing a relevant discontinuity into the sub-groups; the third, to select samples appropriately heterogeneous in the irrelevant characteristics—a point that is far more frequently disregarded. If the hypothesis to be tested is sufficiently definite, and if the alternative factors are comparatively few, such pre- cautions should certainly lead to a fairly simple pattern both in the correlation table and in the factorial matrix. But even so, neither the precautions nor the ensuing simplicity will, as a rule, enable us to transcend the fact that our own table is merely one specimen taken from the enormous number of analogous tables that presumably await investiga- tion. In general, therefore, to justify a factorial prediction, or any other inductive generalization from the figures obtained by factor-analysis, the first prerequisite must be to base conclusions, not on a single sample or a single set, but on a series of such sets and samples. It is for this reason that I have elsewhere proposed criteria which may serve to test the stability of factors from one investigation to another. Of these the simplest is the ' symmetry criterion.' If RI and J22 are two correlation or covariance matrices dependent upon the same dominant factors, then R^^ ^ -^2^1? *>e- ^ product of the two matrices should be approximately symmetrical.1 At the same time, let me add that there are grounds (which again cannot here be set out in detail) for doubting whether the coefficient of correlation is after all the best measure on which our inductive predictions are to be based. Strong reasons can be adduced, to a large extent following from the arguments just given, for preferring covariance to correlation, wherever covariance is legitimately calculable, and for basing predictions and statements of probability upon the regression coefficients rather, than upon the coefficients of correlation themselves. A correlation coefficient is descriptive solely of the set of figures on which it is based : it cannot profess to 1 A worked example is given in Table IV [128], p. 68. Other instances are given in the earlier theses by Williams and Davies (cf. [119] and [130]).