GENERAL- AND GROUP-FACTOR METHODS 303 possibly be assigned to c a factor which improves certain test- performances when it is not merely absent, but actually negative ' or to ' an ability whose possession is a detriment to performance ' ? (Cf. [82], pp. 99, [84], pp. 161, 165-6, [122], p. 71). The procedure recommended,1 therefore, would doubtless be to c rotate the axes ' until a simpler and more intelligible factor-pattern was secured. For this purpose the plan usually followed2 is to plot graphs for each pair of factors, fit fresh axes at right angles to one another by eye, and measure the angles between them and the original axes with a protractor. But so rough a device must obviously yield somewhat arbitrary and inexact results. The relation between the results of the group-factor method and those of the general-factor method can be expressed by a simple transformation matrix. Elsewhere I have described how such a matrix may be computed, and have shown how it yields a direct procedure—far more exact than the usual graphical devices—for rotating axes to abolish the negative saturations [i 16], As calculated for the present figures, it is shown in Table IIIo (T). It is evidently a 5 X 5 orthogonal matrix with one of its rows deleted : hence the transformation matrix for the inverse operation (which we should denote by T7"1, were T non-singular) is simply the transpose of the previous, namely T' (Table IIIc). In order to illustrate the derivation and structure of rotation matrices such as T, let us suppose that (with Thurstone and Alex- ander) we have started by analysing our correlation table according to the c general-factor method/ and now desire to abolish the nega- tive saturations and to maximize the zero saturations in the factorial matrix so obtained, namely Fb. In theory the problem is familiar enough : it is evidently that of obtaining for Fb, by a series of elementary transformations, an ' equivalent matrix/ fulfilling the specified requirements. The simplest procedure is to keep operating on the columns (or rows) of the given matrix (and on the results of our operations) by the ordinary methods used in the reduction of determinants, until we reach a pattern of the type desired. If the 1 Employed or suggested by Thurstone, Thomson, Alexander, Guilford, Stephenson. 2 " The graphical method of rotating in one plane at a time is still probably the best. . . . But the graphical method is not ideal" (Thurstone, 1938, [122], pp. 72-3).