49o APPENDIX II TABLE II Results of Factorizing Covariances between TESTS ; M (a) Covariance Matrix MM' = Rt = Fft. *i h h Total I 56 _28 —28 —28 20 8 —28 8 20 112 56 Total* H2 56 56 224 Total -f- A/224 >VH <-VH (-V-4 0 Square 56 14 14 «4- 84 "--, 1st factor-variance * As usual, before calculating the total, the tests that arc to roooive a negative factor-loading (here tests 2 and 3) have their signs rtworsotl. (b) Reconstruction, Lt X 2 V6 ° i i X x X L h 3 i I I X A Pt — A/14 .-= A X _ J j: 2 A/4 A/H VH 2 I i O "~" ™~ JI-1-..T \/^ A/^ ^vl