INDEX OF SUBJECTS General intelligence, J*Y Intelligence General factor for persons, 171, 194, 340, 420 General-factor methods, 29£5~3I9> 365, 450-77^484-6 General factors, definition of, 102 Genetic factors, .w Factors Genotypes, 9, n^ 377, 385 Ciestnlt, 67, 77, iSo, 224, 232, 238, 251 Group-factor methods, 156, 295-319, 365, 477-83 Group-factors, definition of, 102 Groups, theory of, 93, 242 Halo effect, i<)6, 421 Hereditary differences we Inheri- tance Hierarchical criterion, 54, 159, 337- f,4 theorem of added, 164, 265, 323, 326, 491 Hierarchy, 24, 27, 97, 150-4, 337-64 definition of, 149 ; ,r/r also Matrix, rank of of specific intelligences, 4, 144 unit, Sff Unit hierarchy Highest common factor,, 107-8 Homogeneity» criterion of, 50, 147 Independence, 53, 83,147, 257, 261; see alw Factors, orthogonal criterion of, 50^ 147 I ndividual factors, set Specific factors Induction, 21-44, 46, 221-4 Inheritance, 8, 47, 57, 141, 23°i4°8» 441 Menddian, 8, 246, 408, 440 Instincts, 96, 134, 243, 388 Intelligence, 10, 21-3, 57, 74, 96, 195,2x3^217,314 Intensive magnitude, set Measure- ment Interaction, 278-9 Intercolumnar criterion, 149, 3°°* 335* 34*» 34^ Introversion, 76, 407, 410-17, 428, 434» 443 507 Inverted-factor theory, see Q- technique Item-analysis, 58 Key qualities, 63, 75-6, 96 Latent roots, 92, 153, 166, 263, 320, 487 Latent vectors, 92, 153, 166, 263, 320, 487 Least-noticeable differences, 130,134, 282 Least squares, method of, 26, 148, l64> 263> 327» 385 J see also Summation method, weighted Linear relations, 119, 241, 258 Matrix algebra, 79, 82, 143, 238-9, 258-65, 487-94 compartite, 301 doubly centred, 292, 382, 457 factorial, 73, 261, 330, 486 modal, 486; see also Latent vectors multiplication of, 260, 488 population, 73, 262, 330, 486 rank of, 107,146, 263, 454, 459 rank one, 149 ; see also Hierarchy root of, see Latent roots Measurement, 115-138 distensive, 125,133 extensive, 118, 124 intensive, 118 postulates of, 115-19, 130-1 units of, 6, 129,134,173, 281 Memory, 6,16, 55, 59 Mental deficiency, 55, 95, 217 Mental energy, see Energy Multiple-factor theorem, 164 Multiple-factor theory, 161-6, 184, 459-486 Multiplicative theorem, 47 Natural kinds, 35, 60, 69,105, 224 Neurodynamics, 91, 217 Operations, 127, 256