Perception 3672 Perfumery mean literally acco ding to heads, according to stock. They are expressions in frequent u^c hi statutes of distribution of property in case of intestacy. When property descends per capita it goes in equal shares to those of equal degree of kinship to the common ancestor. When, however, the surviving kindred are of different degrees of relationship it descends per stirpes—as, for instance, if a man dies leaving two sons and three grandchildren, the children of a deceased son, the two surviving sons take each one-third, the grandchildren one third divided between them. See DJL TRJBUTION, STATUTES OF; INHERITANCE. Perception, as a technical term of psychol- ogy, means the direct apprehension of objects in space. Perception is thus contrasted with the processes of memory and conceptual think- ing, which are later developed and obviously presuppose perception, and mere sensation; there is no perception in the strict sense of the term where there is no apprehension of an object. Perceval, Sir, a knight of King Arthur's