Physiology 3727 Physiology for the transformation of energy, and it re- sponds to certain outside influences or stimuli. The small mass of protoplasm known as amoe- ba in virtue of life exhibits growth, mainte- nance, and reproduction, and these three ac- tivities are common to every plant and to every animal. Animals, as a rule, have in ad- dition the faculty of locomotion, and both the higher plants and animals pass through a stage of decay terminating in death. Every living being commences life as a min- ute mass of protoplasm, which is fundamental- ly the same whether the organism belongs to the animal or to the vegetable kingdom. In the course of development the cells are differ- entiated in diverse directions, and to varying degrees. Some animal cells built up such a product as bone; certain cells of the higher plants elaborate chlorophyll, a product of pro- toplasm, by means of which these plants are enabled to fabricate their food out of inor- ganic materials. Animal cells, again, for their food require substances already organized by pre-existing cells. In both cases the cells elab- orate the raw food matter into more complex substances before they assimilate it. By the division of labor which results from aggregation of cells a great economy of energy is effected. Cell anabolism probably builds up a series of bodies which have a katabolic ten- dency—that is to say, they are liable to under- go a splitting-up process by means of which the molecular groups are rearranged and ener- gy is evolved and manifested in heat and mo- tion. A certain group of substances, some of which are constantly present in every living cell, is known as proteid. These proteids are not themselves liable to spontaneous explo- sion, but it is not unlikely that the addition of oxygen may temporarily unite some of them into a new compound which is readily decom- posable. Such a view explains the necessity for oxygen as well as the constant production of carbon dioxide by the living cell. The sources of the proteids of the human body are previ- ously-formed proteids, fats, and carbohydrates from vegetable and from animal food; and should the materials supplied be more than sufficient for the needs of the moment, the liv- ing cell can store them up for future use. In the absence of sufficient food supply the tissues live upon themselves, the more essential per- forming work and producing heat at the cost of the less essential. Alongside the muscular system as a liberator or spender of energy must be placed the nerv- ous tissues. Before leaving the body the nerv- ous form of energy is wholly or almost wholly transformed into heat. Heat and muscular work may be regarded as practically the sole forms in which energy leaves the mammalian body, and nerve and muscle may be regarded as the chief tissues by which energy is expend- ed. All the other tissues are subservient to these two supreme developments of proto- plasm. The integumentary tissues clothe and protect the muscles and nerves, and also act as excretory organs. The respiratory system provides the oxygen necessary for musculai and nervous activity, while the alimentary sys- tem, with all its accessory glands, supplies fresh energy by the ingestion and assimilation of food stuffs containing new stores of poten- tial energy. The circulatory systems of blood and lymph convey oxygen and pabulum to these all-important tissues as well as to those of secondary importance in the economy, and they remove such products of katabolism as are deleterious or of no further use to the ac- tive cells. They also carry the waste products to the excretory organs, whose function is the discharge of useless or effete material formed by the splitting up of the complex proteids. In considering the phenomena of growth, certain cells, the leucocytes of the blood and the wandering connective tissue corpuscles, may be looked upon as embryonic residues of undifferentiated amoeboid organisms. Compar- atively simple cells such as these grow and re- produce their kind in the same fashion as an amoeba. In cells more highly differentiated than white blood and connective tissue corpuscles reproduction is less simple and easy; but even muscle fibres multiply by fission. Among the higher vertebrates, nerve cells, which are tht most highly specialized of all, lose in early embryonic life the faculty of multiplication. Their number is irrevocably fixed early in the existence of an individual. But they preserve the power of individual growth to a remark- able extent. For the continuation of life a process of reproduction is necessary. Through- out the entire organic world this process con- sists essentially in the detachment of a part of the parent. In the higher plants and animals reproduction is sexual, the female element un* dergoing development only after fusion with the male element. From the food and energy supplied by the parent the embryo builds up its tissues until it is fit for separate existence. The special form which the individual ulti- mately assumes depends upon qualities in- herited by the embryo in the parental ele- ments. For the physiological details of human