Pius 374S Pius Francesco Tedeschini Piccolomini, nephew of Pius n. Pius iv. (1559-65), Giovanni Angclo de' Medici, was born in Milan in 1499. He was pope during the final sittings of the Council of Trent (1562-4), and during the last ses- sions of the council won over the Emperor Ferdinand i. and the Cardinal of Lorraine to his views. Pius iv. has given his name to the famous 'Profession of Faith,' which is im- posed on all taking ecclesiastical office, and is used in the reception of converts into the Roman Catholic Church. He founded the pontifical printing office. Pius v. (1566-72), Michele Ghisleri, was born in Bosco, Lombardy, in 1504. On his accession he severely enforced the Tridentine degrees, and during his papacy the counter- re formation made prodigious efforts He is- sued the famous butf of excommunication against Elizabeth oi England (1570), and warmly espoused the cause oi Mary, Queen of Scots, thereby deepening the chasm be- tween England and Roman Catholicism. But it is chiefly in connection with hit- inflexible opposition to the Turkish power that his name is remembered. In 1712 he was can- onized, being the last pope to receive that dis- tinction. Pius vi. (1775-99), Giovanni Angelo Bras- chi, was born in Cesena in 1717, and was promoted by Benedict xiv. He was elected pope in successtion to Clement xiv. He op- posed the ecclesiastical policy of Emperor Joseph nv excommunicated Talleyrand, and was involved in France through his refusal to accept the civil constitution of the clergy. He created the see of Baltimore, the first Roman Catholic diocese In the United States, Pius vn. (1820-23), Barnabas Luigi, Count Chiaramonti, was born in Cesena in 1742. He was allowed to enter Rome in 1801, the French troops being withdrawn. In that year he made the Concordat with Napoleon, who was anxious to restore religion in France; and in 1804 he consecrated Napoleon as emperor. In 1809, however, Rome itself and all the territory which had not already been taken were annexed to the French empire. The is- sue of a bull of excommunication was fol- lowed by the icmoval of the pope to Gren- oble, and thence to Savona and Fontaine- blcau. The Congress of Vienna formally re- stored to him his territory. Pius vm, (1829-30) > Francesco Xaverio, Count Castiglione, Pius rx. (1846-78), Giovanni Maria, Count Mastai Ferrettl,, was born in Sinigaglia in 1792. In 1854 Pius promulgated the doc- trine of the Immaculate Conception, and in 1870 that of Papal Infallibility, He also re- established the Roman Catholic hierarchy in England (1850). In 1864 he issued a Sylla- bus Errorum. PITTS x. (1903-14) (Giuseppe Sarto), was born of humble parents at Riesc, near Ven- ice, in 1835. In August, 1903, he was elected pope, after six fruitless ballots. The prin- cipal events of his reign were the separation of church and state in France and Portugal. The Syllabus issued by him in 1907 contained a list of 65 condemned propositions, dealing chiefly with extreme and radical positions taken by certain modern writers on matters pertaining to Christian belief, Biblical crit;- cism, theology, church discipline, etc. By his Nt1 Temere decree of 1907, aimed at clan- destine and irregular marriages, the Catholic Church recognizes as valid only those mar- riages contracted before the parish priest or ordinary, and at least two witnesses. Among important measures inaugurated by him were the codification of the canon law and the simplification of church music. Pius XL (1922-1939) (Achille Ratti), was born in Descio, in 1858. After studying in the diocesan seminaries, he went to Lombard College in Rome, obtaining doctor's degrees. He was ordained a priest in 1878, and from 1882 to 1888 was professor of dogmatic the- ology and sacred eloquence in the seminary of his diocese. He was called to the Vatican to be assistant prefect of the library in 1911, and two years later became prefect. In 1918 he was appointed Papal Nuncio to Warsaw, in 1919 was made Archbishop of Lepanto, and in 1921 Archbishop of Milan. He was created cardinal, 1921, and succeeded Pope Benedict xv. as Pius xr., Feb. 6, 1922. His greatest accomplishment as pope was the Lateran Treaty with Italy, 1929, which re- stored the sovereign temporal power of the papacy, Pius xn. (1939- ) (Eugenio Pacelli), was born in Rome in 1876. He is a distin- guished scholar, speaking nine languages, Rising rapidly as a priest, he was Nuncio at Munich during the World War. Continuing in the diplomatic service of the Church, he was made cardinal in 1929, became Vatican Secretary of State two months later and capably served as such until his election to the papacy on his 6srd birthday, March 6, 1039- He has travelled more widely than