Pokeweed 3770 Poland the ante (called the blind), which amount re- mains constant through the game, except that before the deal the player on the left of the age may 'straddle the blind' by putting up double the amount, and the players to his left may rcslraddlc in turn until the Ju^t straddle equals one-half the amount agreed upon be- fore the game as the limit of a single bet. The cards are then dealt, one at a time, until each player has five. The player on the left of the ape then looks at his hand and decides whether or not to play. If his hand warrants it he will put into the pot twice the amount of the blind or straddle less anything he may have already put into the pot, or he may increase the amount to be played for up to the limit, which is called raising before the draw. The other players then follow in order until no more j raises are made, the age having the last say. The age then discards from his hand the cards j lie does not want and calls for an equal num- j bcr to take their place from the dealer. He may draw any number of cards up to five or may take none. The other players follow, the dealer being the last to take cards. After this has been done the betting begins, with the player on the left of the age first to bet. Tf he bets on his hand each player in turn around the table may 'see* the bet by putting in an equal amount, or raise it by putting up more money, or withdraw. The last bet is always with the age unless he withdraws. After the betting has ceased the cards are laid on the table, provided more than one player has not withdrawn, and the highest hand wins. If any player has bet, and no one has met his bet, he may take the stakes without showing his hand. The order of value of hands is as follows: Royal flush, cards of the same suit in sequence, the highest in the pack. Straight flush, a se- quence all of one suit, Fours, four cards of a kind, such as four aces. Full hand, three cards of a kind and a pair, such as three aces and two kings. Flush, five cards all of one suit. Straight, a sequence not all of one suit, Three of a kind. Two pairs, two cards of each of two kinds and an odd card, such as two aces, two kings, and a two spot. Pairs, two cards of one kind, such as two aces, and three odd cards, such as a king, queen, and jack. Ace high, such as ace, ten, eight, seven, six of odd suits. The latter is the lowest count. Ace may be counted at either end of a straight, being low or high depending upon which end. Poke weed, a large succulent plant, branch- ing widely and bearing long, glossy, lanceolate leaves and stiff racemes of saucer-like white flowers, succeeded by dark purple berries, oc- casionally used for ink. The thick root is vio- lently poisonous. Pola, seaport town, Italy, formerly the most important naval station of Austria-Hun- gary, is situated near the southern extremity of the Istrian peninsula; 105 m. by railroad s. of Trieste. The harbor is thoroughly sheltered, deep, and spacious. The cathedral dates from the 15th century. Wood, fish, and building stones are exported. Pola is of ancient origin, and has fine Roman remains. It belonged to Venice 1148-1^7^; was destroyed by Genoa; reverted lo Venice; was seized and held by Austria r8i