Police 3775 Political The Royal Northwest Mounted Police of Canada occupy a unique position among the police forces of the world. This picturesque and efficient body of men came into existence as the result of lawless conditions in the Ca- nadian Northwest. In 1873 an act was passed respecting the administration of justice and the establishment of a police force in the Northwest Territories. By October, 1873, the first 150 mounted policemen had been enrolled and despatched to temporary headquarters at Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. This number was quickly augmented. The expedition west- ward was begun June 10, 1874. The number of men has been increased from time to time, the work has been extended, and additional posts have been established. The Mounted Po- al law to designate the general inherent power vested in the several States of the United States to prescribe such rules for the conduct of their citizens, and such regulations regard- ing the use of private property as are necessary and desirable for the general welfare of the public. A certain amount of police power is usually delegated by the State to cities, and is exercised by them through municipal ordi- nances. Thus, a city may prescribe the kind of building materials which must be used within its limits as a protection against fire; whereas, no restrictions may exist in other cities or country districts in the same State. Perhaps the most frequent examples of the exercise of the police power are in regulations for public health, protection of streams from pollution. Target Practice > New York City Police. lice rendered valuable service during the con- struction of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, preventing liquor selling, gambling, thieving, and strikes among the men; and maintained order during the rush of immigation following the discovery of gold in the Yukon Territory (1894). During the Great War a force com- posed largely of ex-members, over 200 in num- ber, carried out an effective control of the in- ternational boundary. At the present time the Royal Northwest Mounted Police are engag- ed chiefly in the Northwest Territories and the Yukon Territory. Enlistment is for 5 years; men must be between 22 and 40 years of age, sound in body and mind, and of exemplary character, Police Courts, courts of limited jurisdic- tion for the disposition of petty criminal cases, usually only misdemeanors. A person charged with felony may be arraigned in such a court, and if there is any evidence tending to sustain the charge, the court may order him commit- ted to await the action of the grand jury, or the county prosecuting attorney. Police Power, a term used in constitution- pure food laws, isolation of contagious dis- eases, etc. Fire regulations, provisions for safe- ty in buildings, regulations tending to preserve and protect public morals, licensing certain trades and occupations, the direction of high- way traffic, all fall within the police power. Polish Catholic Church (Independent Catholic Church in the United States), an or- ganization formed in Chicago, devoted to the churchly care of Polish immigrants es- tranged from the Roman Catholic Church and in danger of lapsing into infidelity. The founder is Father Anthony Kozlowski, who, the better to carry on the work, ob- tained consecration from the Old Catholics of Europe. Political and Social Science, American Academy of. A body founded in Philadel- phia in 1889, and incorporated in 1891. Its object is to keep its members in close touch with the practical social questions of the time and to be for them a sort of clearing house to collect and make available information on these questions. Political Offences. Extradition trea-