Fly called pomes. The quince, hawthorn, apple, pear, and mountain ash are well-known ex- amples, Pomace Fly, a small yellowish fly of the genus Drosophila, several species of which abound about cider-mills and places where decaying fruit or fruit juice is storrd. Pome, a name given to a form of indehis- cent fruit, in which the epicarp and meso- carp, together with the calyx, form a ileshy mass, the endocarp forming scaly-walled cells enclosing the seeds. The apple and pear are examples. Pomegranate (Punica granatum), a small deciduous tree growing wild in Persia, Af- ghanistan, and adjacent countries. It has been cultivated from time immemorial. It was one of the fruit trees of the Promised 3781_____ Pompadour Pomeranian Dog, or Spitz Dog, a small bushy-haired, prick-eared, curly-tailed dog. of German origin, anciently of service as a hunting dog, but now only as a pet. It was originally of a pure white color, and weighed from 20 to 25 Ibs.; but the specimens most valued now are the diminutive varieties thai Pomegranate. i, Fruit; 2, section of fruit. Land, and in the Odyssey it is stated to oc- cur in the gardens of Phaeacia and Phrygia. The fruits have a tough, thick, bitter rind, of a reddish-yellow color. They are apple- shaped, with a crown of sepals, and are filled with seeds, each surrounded by acidulous, crimson pulp. The shrub itself is of consid- erable grace and beauty, enhanced by the scarlet flowers and golden fruits. Pomerania, prov., Prussia, stretching along the Baltic, e. and w. of mouth of Oder and Stettincr Haff. It belongs to the N. German plain, but is traversed by the Baltic ridge, on which arc numerous small lakes. Agricul- ture is the principal occupation. Poultry are raised and fish caught. Stettin is the capital. Area, 11,625 sq. miles; p. 1,878,781. Pome- rania was Slav down to 1637. Most of Hither Pomerania arid part of Farther Pomerania remained in Swedish hands from about 1630 down to 1720, and the remainder of the former down to 1815, Pomeranian Dog. scale from 4 to 8 Ibs., and are colored black, sable, and parti-colored. The breed became very popular in Great Britain in the latter part of the igth century owing to the fact that it was a favorite of Queen Victoria. Porno, an Indian tribe of northwestern Cal- ifornia speaking a distinct language known as the Kulanapan. They are divided into thirty bands, each living in a separate moun- tain, valley. Their claim to fame is based upon skill in basketry, for among all the In- dian basket-making tribes on the Pacific coast the Porno rank first. They are pro- ficient in every variety of basketry, twined or coiled, and know a few stitches that are peculiar to themselves. Pomona, in ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of fruit-trees and fruits, Pomona, city, Los Angeles co., Cal. Owing to its attractive site and beautiful surround- ings, it is a well-known residential city and health resort. At Claremont, 4 miles distant, is situated Pomona College. The city is in a rich fruit and vegetable district, and has a large trade, especially in oranges, berries, and alfalfa, as well as in fruit canning and pack- ing; p. 23,539- Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Pois- son, Marquise de (1721-64), mistress of Louis xv. of France, was born in Paris. The king met her at a bal masque in 1745, was captivated, and established her at Versailles, and ennobled her in 1745. 'La Pompadour' became the center of a brilliant intellectual and artistic circle, including Voltaire, Ques- nay, Boucher, and Greuze. Louis, a mere puppet, gave her tremendous power. She made and unmade ministers, diplomatists